Oliver Zofič
Trends and opportunities in education
Oliver Zofic is an acting CEE Education Lead and Senior...
Jernej Pangeršič
Microsoft Teams i akceleratori učenja
Jernej Pangeršič je stručnjak za rešenja u obrazovanju u Microsoft-u,...
Jernej Pangeršič
Microsoft Teams and Learning Accelerators
Jernej Pangeršič is a Solution Specialist in Education at Microsoft,...
Nataša Stanić
Best practice example in the field of digital school transformation
Nataša has been working as a classroom teacher at the...
Nataša Stanić
Primer dobre prakse u sferi digitalne transformacije skole
Nataša radi u OŠ,, Dušan Jerković” u Rumi 30 godina...
Vanja Vuković Nikolić
How we nurtured the culture of using digital technologies?
Vanja Vuković Nikolić is a preschool teacher at PU “Perka...