
EdTech Center Western Balkans

Our mission

Dream big.

Transform Education and Training. Empower Educators!

Our goal is to help educators become pioneers in education by harnessing the power of technology to revolutionize the way we learn. Our projects and solutions make education more dynamic and provide educators with the opportunity to enhance the quality of education and enable students to develop according to their potential, capabilities, and interests.

More About Us

EdTech Center

The EdTech Center Western Balkans was founded by education experts and practitioners who came together to improve the quality of education for students in the Western Balkans in the 21st century.

We envision a future where all young people have access to the highest quality education and can develop skills that will help them improve the quality of their lives and communities in the 21st century. We focus our work on several areas.


Developing human capacities in a knowledge-based economy by enhancing the digital skills and competencies of education professionals. We support educators in developing students' digital skills and preparing them for the world of the future.
Improving the quality of the educational system through smarter and better use of information and communication technologies at all levels of education. We do not believe that every technology has a place in education without a critical review of the benefits it can bring. For this reason, we support schools and teachers in making smart use of the technology they already have. If schools plan to make new acquisitions, our team can provide advice and support to ensure they get the most value for their investment.
Supporting the development of accessibility, openness, efficiency, and fairness in education through the use of innovative technologies. Innovations and technological advancements play a crucial role in creating new learning opportunities for everyone, including people with disabilities.

Meet the Team

Team Members

Our Members

Community of Experts

and Practitioners in the Field of Digital Education

Applications are conducted through an online application form.

The EdTech Center for Educational Technologies Western Balkans was founded by a group of practitioners and experts in the field of education with the aim of improving the quality of education for students in the Western Balkans in the 21st century.

Members of the EdTech community will have the opportunity to actively participate in the selection, writing, and implementation of projects in the field of digital education; to participate in and be timely informed about possible professional gatherings, conferences, and trainings; to network and collaborate with representatives of relevant educational authorities; and to gain visibility and recognition for their expert work in the digital education sector.

Young researchers and final-year students are also invited to apply and be part of the community if they are inclined to work in any of the aforementioned areas.

Required Qualifications:

  • University education
  • Active participation in the education and training sector, preferably in the field of educational technologies (informatics, instructional design, distance education)
  • Experience working on domestic and international projects in the education and training sector
  • Knowledge of project cycle management, project proposal preparation, and activities
  • Experience in organizing and conducting online and in-person trainings
  • Familiarity with national strategies and recommendations related to digital education and technologies
  • Proficiency in English
  • Communication and teamwork skills

Interested candidates can apply via the Application Form.


Join the community of experts.