Marina Sparić
Works at the elementary school ‘Anton Skala’ since 2013, first as a trainee and later as a subject and class teacher. Author and co-author of several scientific papers presented at various scientific conferences. Completed the Autism Training for Inclusion IPA+ at basic and expert levels. Since 2019/20, one of the authors and implementers of a seminar approved by the Institute for the Improvement of Education. Participated in many projects, including HORIZON 2020 as an annotator, KA101 Erasmus+ ‘I Care’, KA229 ‘SENdata’ – Digital Approaches to Education for Children with Developmental Disorders’ as a coordinator. Since 2016, a permanent member of the Association of Organizations for Autism Assistance. Since 2020/21, a member of a mobile team that provides support to children with autism and other disorders in inclusive schools, their parents, and teachers. Since 2021, engaged as an external collaborator of the Institute for the Evaluation of Education Quality. Since 2018, conducts training within an accredited seminar in the field of learning for students with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, as well as the importance of using adapted materials and applications in work.”