Bojana Mitrićeski
Lazar Bulatović is an independent accessibility consultant who has been completely blind since birth. He is currently developing an agency for web accessibility. He conducts accessibility testing and helps companies create websites that are accessible to people with disabilities. He has been using assistive technologies for over 15 years on a daily basis. He regularly speaks on accessibility and other topics. He has a degree in sociology and speaks English, German, and Russian.
Translated in English: “A view through the eyes of the blind in education.”
Translated in English: “Works at the elementary school ‘Anton Skala’ since 2013, first as a trainee and later as a subject and class teacher. Author and co-author of several scientific papers presented at various scientific conferences. Completed the Autism Training for Inclusion IPA+ at basic and expert levels. Since 2019/20, one of the authors and implementers of a seminar approved by the Institute for the Improvement of Education. Participated in many projects, including HORIZON 2020 as an annotator, KA101 Erasmus+ ‘I Care’, KA229 ‘SENdata’ – Digital Approaches to Education for Children with Developmental Disorders’ as a coordinator. Since 2016, a permanent member of the Association of Organizations for Autism Assistance. Since 2020/21, a member of a mobile team that provides support to children with autism and other disorders in inclusive schools, their parents, and teachers. Since 2021, engaged as an external collaborator of the Institute for the Evaluation of Education Quality. Since 2018, conducts training within an accredited seminar in the field of learning for students with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, as well as the importance of using adapted materials and applications in work.”
Translated in English: “Good educational apps GA-TE.”
Translated in English: Radmila Vidović graduated from the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation in 1998, at the Department of Tiflology. She adapts didactic aids for children with sensorimotor disorders according to their individual needs in a school for visually impaired students. Advisory work and providing additional support to parents, teachers, and professionals in inclusive education are an integral part of her work. She is a member of the school’s project team and is actively involved in the implementation of several Erasmus projects. Through accredited seminars, she provides training for teachers in regular schools on methods and approaches for working with blind and visually impaired students. She believes that accessibility of didactic aids and adaptation of the school environment for students with visual impairments is very important in order to provide equal conditions for all students.
Translated in English: “Relief drawings – look at me with touch.”
Milica Cvetinović is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Belgrade, majoring in Computer Science and Informatics, in 2012. Since 2015, she has been teaching mathematics and computer science to children in primary and secondary school at a school for visually impaired students. Since the beginning of her work with blind and visually impaired students, she has been adapting teaching materials. She has participated in the creation of several collections of relief drawings in mathematics. She has also adapted mathematics textbooks, published by Gerundijum publishing house, into Braille. Through accredited seminars, she conducts training for teachers in regular schools on methods and approaches for working with blind and visually impaired students. She believes that mathematics is the most important natural science and that good adaptation of textbooks and images is essential for quality teaching and working with visually impaired students.
Borko je nastavnik engleskog jezika koji ima gotovo 20 godina iskustva u obrazovanju. On sebe smatra prosvetiteljem, liderom, edukatorom, inovatorom i motivatorom. Ima impresivnu karijer
Borko is an English language teacher who has been working in education for almost 20 years. He considers himself a enlightener, leader, educator, innovator, and motivator. He has a lot of work, papers, successes, titles, and awards behind him. Some of them include: Best Educator in Serbia 2017, Best Teacher in the Balkans 2019, representative of Serbia at the Global Teacher Prize 2020, recipient of the Global Teacher Award 2022 as one of the best teachers in the world, and winner of the October Award of the Municipal Assembly of Paraćin for contribution to the development of education in the municipality of Paraćin. In the field of digital education, he was the coordinator of the project in 2014 that led to the school receiving the first smart classroom in Serbia, which changed the educational paradigm in their environment and beyond.
The Parent – A Forgotten Professional Collaborator.
Aleksandra applies digital technologies in STEAM projects to encourage students’ independence and perseverance in their work. She has received multiple awards for the implementation of interdisciplinary websites and educational software based on active learning and innovative work models. She is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Education and is the author of a manual for integrated teaching, as well as other scientific and professional works.
Digitalno okruženje može biti od velike koristi u podsticanju samostalnog učenja. Zahvaljujući digitalnim tehnologijama, učenici imaju pristup bogatom izvoru informacija i materijala za učenje
Translation: Digital environment – encouragement for independent learning.
A Serbian language and literature teacher in a small rural elementary school. The fact that the environment her students come from may not be the center of events does not prevent her from opening the doors of the world of culture and education to her students. She pays exceptional attention to digital teaching materials which she creates herself, and teaches her students, as well as colleagues, to do the same. She has launched the blog Gramatoigrolija (https://gramatoigrolija.wixsite.com/my-site) which allows the acquisition of grammar through play, as well as an Instagram page with the same name. She supported eighth-grade students in launching the YouTube channel “Od đaka osmaka” where they present their work. She encourages students to create in the digital environment, resulting in educational games, comics, digital stories, and an electronic magazine as products of project-based teaching.
She passes on her love for the written word to her students through the Reading Club she founded at the school. In an action supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, “Reading Marathon,” she is a member of the main jury and reviewer of novels. In the ZUOV project “Digital Classroom,” she also tried herself as a trainer and mentor for colleagues. She presented her experiences and examples of good practice at several public forums and conferences. She is the author of three professional papers (STEM skills and language teaching and the use of Escape room in language teaching) and an article on the IMO blog – Reading skills and the digital world.
She promotes digital textbooks, and during the pandemic, she also carried out this activity through presentations-webinars. She is a co-author of the seminar “Using Web Tools for Interdisciplinarity in STE(A)M Teaching”. She is the recipient of the Society of Teachers of Novi Sad Award, a finalist of the first national SONS festival that promotes STEM skills, a participant in the international educational project “Intelligence Day,” and her lessons have been included in the “Lesson for an Example” collection two years in a row. She is a national edu leader in the “Education for Serbia” Foundation… She writes plays and poems for children, which she brings to life on stage with her students.
Virtuelna i proširena realnost (VR i AR) predstavljaju inovativne tehnologije koje mogu biti veoma korisne u inkluzivnom obrazovanju. Ove tehnologije omogućavaju učenicima
Virtual and augmented reality in inclusive education
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Visual arts teacher at ŠOSO “Bratstvo” Dositejeva 11, 21220 Bečej from 2018 to 2020. Director of the School for Elementary and Secondary Education “Bratstvo” in Bečej. External professional collaborator and leader of the Soundbeam music workshop, which operates as part of the assistive technology team at ŠOSO “Milan Petrović” Braće Ribnikar 32, 21000 Novi Sad.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Visual arts teacher at ŠOSO “Bratstvo” Dositejeva 11, 21220 Bečej (Passed the exam for a teaching, educator and professional collaborator permit). Graduated graphic artist and art teacher, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, Department of Traditional and Digital Graphic Arts. International Summer Academy of Fine Arts “Oskar Kokoschka” in Salzburg, Austria. Scholar of the KulturKontakt of Austria.
TRAININGS: Training for teachers who teach the elective subject Civic Education in high schools in the Republic of Serbia at the Institute for the Improvement of Education and Upbringing in Belgrade. Training program for working with students with developmental disabilities at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation in Belgrade.
Music workshop for people with disabilities.
Born in 1965 in Aleksandrovac Župski. He graduated from the 12th Belgrade Gymnasium and leads a music workshop with special musical devices intended for people with disabilities that has achieved notable results and successes in the past period. The music workshop project for people with disabilities is one of the winners of the Zero Project 2023 award for the best projects in the field of inclusion, awarded by the UN’s partner organizations for a World Without Barriers. He also participated in the Musik und Inclusion 2022 project in Dortmund, Germany.
Bojana is employed as a geography teacher at the “Branislav Nušić” primary school in Donja Trnava. Throughout her career, she has participated in various training programs such as: International LUMAT Symposium 2020 Finland – LUMAT Research Forum, Online Conference “Digital Education 2020”, International Conference “Climate Action Project 2019”, International Conference “Research in Education and Training: International Aspects of Education and Training”. She has also participated in events such as the International Scientix Conference, International Conference “New Technologies in Education”, EDU-ARCTIC Educator’s Forum Warsaw, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, and many others. Bojana is also a Microsoft Innovative Educator, Scientix Ambassador for Serbia, Science on Stage Ambassador, member of the Serbian Geographical Society, and a certified teacher of “National Geographic”. As an education expert, Bojana Mitrićeski Anđelković was selected to be part of the national team that carries out training for teachers in schools with the aim of promoting and contributing to further improvement of inclusive education in the Republic of Serbia. The training, titled “Improved Equal Access and Completion of Pre-University Education for Children Needing Additional Educational Support,” is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and UNICEF Serbia with the support of the European Union Delegation. The CIP – Center for Interactive Pedagogy is a partner organization in this project.